The fourth game in the Indie Games Winter Uprising – Ubergridder – is now available for download. 80 MS points. Get the trial or full game here.

Also, the first game in the Indie Games Winter Uprising, Epic Dungeon, sold about 1,000 copies in the first day or so that it was up, which cause it to skyrocket up to the #1 slot in the Daily Purchases chart on the dashboard.  It’s also currently in the top 20 best rated in the US (#11 at the time I’m writing this post). Quite a good start to the promotion, don’t you think? It will be very interesting to see how the other games perform and if any of them can surpass that.

4 Responses

  1. Epic Duneon was great. Reminded me so much of a game I used to play on my first windows computer.

  2. Yeah I purchased Epic Dungeon day 1 and it’s a 5 star game imo for sure. I really hope it does well enough to motivate the maker to get working on a sequel! A boss at the end and maybe the option for turn-based action like rogue was. I tried out the Ubergridder trial and it wasn’t for me. Waiting anxiously for Cthulhu and Soulcaster2. Chu’s Dynasty looks interesting along with ZP2KX. I like multiplayer smash bros type games.

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