Cthulhu Saves the World on the PC will support both keyboard controls and Microsoft XBox 360 controllers, however I have some questions on the keyboard controls. The game WILL provide the option for the user to remap the controls, but what key mapping should I start the game out with? Keep in mind that I can have a couple different setups working as defaults (so I could provide a Numpad option, a WASD option, etc.).

10 Responses

  1. Tried my Logitech Rumblepad 2 with no success. Not all PC gamers have a 360 🙁

    So I guess it strictly is keyboard and 360 controller.

  2. A slightly off-topic question for anyone who reads this:

    Does anyone know what a Mindorb 5XD-2 is and where I could find any info on it? Please email me if you have any clue (childofboredom@gmail.com)

  3. Just be sure to throw in a optional AZERTY-friendly layout, as that’s common for a lot of European and other international keyboards. 🙂

  4. I second Alex M, a good number of people who will pick this up on the PC are those who purchase into the RPGmaker market of games, and they use a similar control scheme, therefore making it easy for them to jump right in.

    That said, you might want to see if you can get Aldorlea to feature your game on their site, as from what I can tell as a consumer they are the place to go when it comes to finding out about games of that style, and as someone who plays both RPGmaker games and yours, I can see some definite fan crossover potential.

  5. I tend to agree with Alex M’s layout too. It’s a logical default and with the ability to remap keys it isn’t a big deal. (so long as those key options are saved on the file)

  6. WASD or the arrow keys are fine for movement. True lords of evil, however. prefer QOBR that constantly changes or just stops working. You know, for that extra bit of challenge.

  7. Have you considered adding DirectInput support for gamepads / joysticks? I doubt many outside the XNA community will have Xbox 360 controllers but many gamers do have gamepads. I know when I buy a PC game, I expect it to work with my gamepad and up until recently, I never had a 360 specific game pad.

  8. I’d recommend a WASD setup, as the vast majority of PC gamers have been born and raised on it.

    Movement: WASD
    Run: Shift
    Fly: CTRL
    Confirm: Space
    Menu: ESC

    Those are all fairly consistent across PC games, from FPS to 3rd Person to RPGs, and are probably what I’d adjust everything to either way.

    I’d recommend avoiding TAB for the menu due to the sheer number of Steam users that use the default overlay binding (assuming CStW makes it onto Steam or players add it as a 3rd party game). It would be a bit annoying having the menu pop up everytime you reply to messages on the default bindings.

  9. Hi,

    I like the ones on Twitter:

    Confirm = Z, Cancel/Run = Shift, Fly = X, Menu = Tab/Space, Quit = ESC, Move = Arrow Keys.

    Except that Menu = Tab/Enter feels more natural to me than Menu = Tab/Space. But I’m nitpicking.

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