Time for the 2nd weekly art post!
It’s Halloween! And I totally forgot. Huh. Good thing our games generally have halloween-appropriate characters! And thus I bring you Dem & Sara: Into the Caverns!
I’m also posting some amazing artwork by Zac Gorman, who has a very unique and quirky art style that is pretty great for expressionate comic-style characters. I’ve seen his work posted on Kotaku and other various websites before. He did an awesome Cthulhu Saves the World “poster.”
- REMINDER! If you want your art featured on this weekly column just send it to me! Post a link here in comments, email me, or contact me via DeviantArt.
- Also if anyone has any Requests for me to draw anything in particular post it in the Comments! I’m here to learn, practice, and I’m always up for ideas. Doesn’t have to be from BOD, CSTW, or Rainslick, can be from anything.

so goofy

I love the chibi characters along the bottom. And how October has a raincloud over her head!
I got a new drawing tablet. So as a bonus I’m posting a sketch of Jill Valentine I did on this new puppy (Intuos4). Maybe one day I’ll color this thing:

Seeya next week! -Bill