The Red Queen of Oz – $8k ($40k goal). Failed.
Radio the Universe – $81k. Finished.
Akaneiro: Demon Hunters – $108k ($200k goal). 8 days left.
DREADLINE – $19k ($167k goal). 6 days left.
GameStick – $484k. 6 days left.
Wildman – $320k ($1.1 mil goal). 21 days left.
Freedom Planet – $13k. 20 days left.
Unwritten: That Which Happened – $23k ($75k goal). 18 days left.
Small World 2 – Cancelled (Will do a modified campaign in March).

Nothing huge this week but there are some interesting smaller projects going on.

First up, we have Artizens. Artizens is basically 2D Monster Hunter with the ability to fully customize your equipment effects & appearance. It’s off to a solid start with $16k of its $30k goal raised and 23 days left to go.

Next, we have Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake. The developer name-drops Zelda but actually, it looks to me to be more like an Adventures of Lolo-style grid-based puzzle game with a very cartoonish visual style. They’ve almost reached their goal of $15k (just a few hundred short as of this writing) and they have 21 days left.

Finally, we have Homesick. A first-person adventure/puzzle game, Homesick has you trying to escape from an abandoned building in both reality & in your dreams (or from the sound of things, your nightmares). They’re at a little over half of their $8k goal.

In other news, the Wildman kickstarter created quite the stir when it was revealed that the studio was essentially out of funds and pretty much everyone got fired a few days into the kickstarter. It looks like this news has caused an increase in donations (pity?) but I think we should have some serious concerns on whether or not they will be able to finish the game even if the kickstarter is fully funded since key staff members may start work at other studios before Gas Powered Games can afford to rehire them.

To end things off for the week, here’s an interesting interview with Monaco designer, Andy Schatz, on why he dislikes kickstarter stretch goals.