Previous Kickstarters

Megatokyo Visual Novel – $234k. 6 days left.
Soul Saga – $164k. 2 days left.
OZombie – $138k ($950k goal). 24 days left.
Pinball Arcade: Terminator 2 – $42k ($59k goal). 9 days left.
Satellite Reign – £218k (£350k goal). 16 days left.
H-Hour World’s Elite – $252k. Finished.
FRONTIERS – $116k. 4 days left.

New Kickstarters

Warmachine Tactics – $612k ($550k goal) with 28 days left. 6k backers. Turn-based tactics game based on the tabletop game. Will contain both a single-player story mode & multiplayer versus play. Already looks really nice.

Liege – $28k ($15k goal) with 16 days left. About 900 backers. Strategy/JRPG set in a fantasy world filled with political intrigue. Part 1 of a planned 3-part saga.

Banshee the Game & Film – £11k (£14.5k goal) with 4 days left. About 100 backers. Facebook competitive multiplayer game based on an independent horror film where you pick a side and either try to stay alive (human) or scare everyone to death (banshee).

Legend of Iya – Just started ($75k goal) with 29 days left. Gorgeous 2D Metroidvania. Has been under development off and on for at least 5 years but it looks like he wants to ramp up production now and get it finished next year.

2 Responses

  1. Gosh, OZombie looks awesome. I wouldn’t have known about it if not for it being mentioned here. It sort of looks like it’s not going to get funding, though, which is sad, because then the creators will interpret that as “the world doesn’t want a game like this”. I think the world does want it; it’s just that most of us don’t yet know we want it. Depressing.

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