We’re not going to officially announce our game for a few weeks now (need to ready some media to go with the announcement first), but here are some clues that could help you figure out just what our next game is all about.

1 – The main character was originally going to share a weapon with a certain famous vampire slayer, but in the end, we switched back to swords since it’s like a law to have a sword-wielding main character in RPGs.

2 – At one point, we were going to have 3 main stats to track in combat – HP, MP, and a third stat, but we got rid of the third stat since we felt it made things overly complicated and we could do what we wanted just being clever with regular abilities and passive effects. I suppose we could get rid of another stat as well, but it would have to be MP since HP is essential.

3 – Our next game is not Breath of Death VIII, but there’s a really vague clue there if you do a bit of word association.

4 – You can make a comedy out of just about anything if you try hard enough and aren’t a stickler for accuracy.

5 – If you made an acronym out of the title, it would be CSTW.

6 – Oh and since I’m a nice guy, I’ll give you one of the words in the title. The.

Good luck guessing! (My lips are sealed!)

8 Responses

  1. When you said you could get the title with some word association from Breath of Death, I was thinking Life of Fire. Then you provided the acronym, so now I have no idea. : (

    Loved BoDVII by the way. Very cool!

  2. So confused! I really can’t think of what it is. Looking forward to it either way.

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