I missed the exact day in all the Cthulhu Saves the World development & various Christmas activities, but Breath of Death VII: The Beginning just recently broke 40k total sales. Yay!

6 Responses

  1. The game deserved hundreds of thousands of sales, but 40k is still a milestone for an XBLA indie title. All well deserved! I hope your second endeavor does just as well, if not better. BoD7 is still one of the best RPG’s of the year. I’m looking forward to buying and saying the same about Cthulhu!

  2. Congratulations. It deserves every one of those sales and then some. Fun, old-school RPG done exactly right.

  3. I hope CSTW does even better! 40k sales is good, but I know your new game can top that.

    Congrats guys, keep up the fantastic work.

  4. Yeah congrats on that. It is one of the best games I’ve recently played. I am looking forward to CTSW.

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