Hyperduck SoundWorks is currently holding a vote to determine which songs from Penny Arcade’s On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 4 they will remix in a SNES chiptune-style to include as bonus tracks on the Precipice of Darkness 4 Official Soundtrack. The soundtrack itself should be available for purchase later this month. You can check out snippets of each song & vote for your favorite here.

7 Responses

  1. The voting will be counted up in the morning by me but you can still listen to samples of the OST on that link in the OP by Robert! So check it out BLKMSK!

  2. Sigh…. I wish my ears could witness the awesomeness that is PA 4’s super-soundtrack… Geez, and I know as soon as I complete my Steam user account, They will release PA 4 on the indie (XBLA) market… That’s just how things operate in this crazy universe… When you want something, You hurry up and wait…. When you care less, that’s when it’s everywhere… God had to have been “human” at one point or another… His/Her sense of “ironic humor” is beyond uncanny…. BTW I heard it’s a “bug” holding up the release?!? Sigh.0

  3. Is there going to be a downloadable soundtrack for the game the features all of the tracks? I’ve barely scratched the surface of episode 4 and already I am in love with its soundtrack. Its amazing

  4. SOOOOOooooOoon. We will, but it’s not one of the songs that would suit a SNES remake (vocals seeee) but please vote on the songs we’ve listed there, it’s basically all of them bar like.. 2! *shifty eyes*

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