Hello, Bill Stiernberg here, welcome to a Day-Early Weekly Art article!
It’s a day early because we’re posting some more interesting news about Rainslick4 tomorrow. SO CHECK BACK.
Speaking-of, I’ve been working my arse off on Rainslick4’s maps, sprites, etc etc. So this week I only had a chance to draw one thing.
Since drawing that Ni No Kuni fan art I felt like it’d be fun to take a western RPG character and draw her up in a similar style. Somehow I landed on drawing Femshep.

I took a bunch of responses on my twitter about what character to draw for next week. Will probably be either from Phantasy Star or a Tales game.
Thanks for checking it out! Back to work on Rainslick4.
-Bill Stiernberg (bill_at_zeboyd on twitter. Deviantart page.)
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